Clubs & Activities

Academic Challenge is a battery of tests created by Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering.  The subject matter tested is drawn from senior high and freshman level college curricula in the areas of mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, english, engineering graphics, and computer science.  Varsity and JV teams are each made up of 14 students, and each student takes a test from two different subject areas.  Their scores are compared to those of students from other schools, and they earn a certain number of points based on their rank.  A student can advance from Regionals to Sectionals and from Sectionals to State in a certain subject area, or the team as a whole can advance based on the combined points earned by the team members.

Students may receive letters in academic areas such as band, choir, clubs, journalism, etc.

Board game club meets every other Monday from 3:30-5:30.  Anyone is welcome to join on any day they are available.  Students can bring their own games, but there is always a large supply provided by Mr. Moldenhauer.  It's a time of fun and fellowship revolving around learning and playing board games and card games of all kinds and all complexity levels.  No experience is required.

This group is open to freshmen through seniors who enjoy sharing their writing and listening to others.  The club meets weekly, mostly after school for about an hour.  Students may come whenever able and new members are always welcome.

Several Interim courses are available. For more information, visit the ACADEMICS PAGE.

The school newspaper is called the “Knight Line.” Students in the Journalism class serve as the newspaper staff.

Spanish Club is a group of students interested in learning more about other cultures. We have monthly or bimonthly meetings and events celebrating the Spanish-speaking cultures of the world! It's not necessary to speak Spanish or be enrolled in Spanish class in order to be a part of Spanish Club. All MELHS students are welcome! Some of our past events have included: sharing a traditional Hispanic meal, listening to a guest speaker, watching a movie, attending a Hispanic Heritage Festival, and doing service projects in Spanish-speaking communities!

The yearbook, called the "Knight Life,” is compiled and composed by students as part of the Journalism class.  Each year’s book is available on a prepaid basis.


A play or musical presentation is offered in the fall and spring of the year.  Parts are assigned based on auditions.  Students have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of a drama production based on interest and ability.

The music department of Lutheran High School offers a number of opportunities for interested students. Courses include Band, Choir, Strings, and Guitar courses.  Beyond the classroom, many students participate in music through handbells and Homeroom Choir. Pep Band performs at many of the sports activities. The Fine Arts department also offers choral and instrumental ensembles as well as opportunities  for students to participate in state music competition.


Each class will elect a set of officers to conduct its class business.  An advisor or advisors supervise the class and their activities.

The fellowship of Christian Athletes is an organization that seeks to promote Christian living in athletic competition and daily living.  Students who enjoy, support or participate in athletics are eligible for membership.  The organization is student led with a faculty sponsor.  Students organize meetings, activities and Bible studies, many of which take place in the homes of group members.  The FCA members have the opportunity to meet from one to two times per month and during the summer.

Students are elected to the National Honor Society on the basis of established criteria. Sophomore, junior or senior students who qualify on the basis of academic standing (GPA of 3.4) become candidates.  Candidates are then elected by the faculty on the basis of established character qualities.

SADD is an organization which all students who are seeking to make good health and safety choices may join.  The group participates in educational opportunities by hosting speakers, attending seminars, having a booth at the YMCA health fair, and speaking to area eighth grade students.  SADD has also been involved in celebrating the national Red Ribbon Week and plans fund-raisers and fun activities as the group desires.

The Student Council is the organization established to afford students input into some aspects of the school's organization.   The membership is comprised of the following: Each class is entitled to elect two members to the council for its first 30 class members and one additional member for each l5 additional students.  Each class is also entitled to elect/appoint one of its officers as an additional council member to serve as liaison for the class. The designated class officer may not serve as a student council officer.

Philemon 1:7

For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.

Events Calendar